created by alexander laird, jamiel rahi and robert laird
People like crohl's house:
- CROHL'S HOUSE ⓵ & CROHL'S HOUSE ⓶, were nominated at the 2018 Doug Wright Awards for "the year’s most experimental, unconventional, or avant-garde comic" with the Pigskin Peters Award. (link)
- CROHL'S HOUSE ③ premiered at TCAF 2018, Patrick Crotty from Peow Press wrote on his twitter that it is "this years best looking riso printed book at the festival." (link)
- We've also had a few CROHL'S HOUSE stories published on Vice's really great comic's column. (link)
- we have started plans for a little animated short, and would love to make this a series. let us know if you'd be interested in helping us out with this!